The third partner meeting of Erasmus+ funded project Entrepreneurial Skills for Women in a Digital World took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on February 11-12 of this year. Representatives from four partner organizations from Lithuania, Slovenia, Germany and Greece took part in this meeting.
Two days event was dedicated to present an overview of the project and to discuss planned further activities and tasks.
This was an important meeting because the most important deliverable was shared with the partners – developed educational programme Making Ideas Happen. This programme differs from predominant courses as it is focused on the implementation of entrepreneurial learning by linking three relevant competence areas together: digital skills, entrepreneurial thinking and project management competences. Moreover, the programme offers 25 f2f sessions, which enhances not only skills required for current labour market but also builds women self-confidence, provides them an opportunity to discuss problems with others, exchange viewpoints and enjoy themselves in dealing with new knowledge.
At the moment each country is preparing for the piloting training of newly created programme. It is being translated and adapted into national languages, online platform for training materials is being created and participants for the training is being selected.
Piloting training will be launched in April this year. During the training 40 educators from non-formal educational organizations and 200 women (with lower opportunities) will have an opportunity to test and evaluate the programme.